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Critical Hits

For Players

When a critical hit is confirmed, click on the appropriate red damage type button a number of times equal to the critical hit modifier minus one. So a weapon with a x2 modifier would click once; a x3 modifier, twice and so on. If a particular result can't be applied, the default is x2 damage as normal.

For GMs

Since the effects can be deadly when used against players, the recommended approach is to only use critical hit effects for major villains or NPCs. Alternately, a GM might require monsters or NPCs to spend a feat to use the critical effects system.

Critical Fumbles

How to determine if there is a critical fumble:

While critical hits are an everyday part of most games, critical fumbles do not have codified rules. For the purposes of this deck, you can use any of the following simple methods for determining a critical fumble. While the first is recommended, as it is the one that least penalizes players, the latter two are a bit simpler to adjudicate.

1. Whenever an attacker rolls a natural 1 on the die, the attack misses and there is the threat of a fumble. The attacker must immediately make a confirmation roll, using his full base attack bonus (and accompanying modifiers). If the attack roll would miss the target, the attacker fumbles and must click on a yellow fumble button appropriate to the attack type.

2. As per option 1, but instead of using the full base attack bonus, the attacker uses the same modifiers as the first roll. If the attack roll would miss the target, the character fumbles and must click on a yellow fumble button appropriate to the attack type.

3. Whenever an attacker rolls a natural 1 on the die, character fumbles and must click on a yellow fumble button appropriate to the attack type.

Critical Fumbles: Optional Rules

The following are a few examples of optional rules you can employ to adjust how the critical fumble system works in your game.

   Bleed: Effects that cause bleed deal the listed amount of damage at the end of the affected characters turn. Unless otherwise noted, all ability bleed is damage (not drain).  Bleed can be ended by any magical cure spell or a DC 15 Heal check made as a standard action.
   Save: Unless a DC is listed, the DC for any save that is called for is equal to the confirmation roll used to score the critical hit (after all modifiers have been applied). Saves only affect additional critical effects, never base weapon damage.
   Until Healed: This always refers to the additional damage done or bleed effect, not the weapon (or spell) damage.